I like to hear music it relaxes me & i wouldnt be able to live with out my ipod !
Photo Credit: Yesenia Pineda


This is me and my friend is class just being our selfs :D .
Photo Credit: Yesenia Pineda


This is my little neice :) . I love her shes like a my daughter ... Shes so Adorable !
Photo Credit : Yesenia Pineda

Me :)



I like to always be happy & show emotion .
Photo Credit; Yesenia pineda
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    Well my name is Yesenia Pineda . I like to have fun , I'm a very chill person . Another thing i like to do is play basketball :).  Always make the best of situations and love making people laugh or smile . As u can see i love my lil neice shes SOO Adorable ! Most of the time im out with friends . One last thing i like to hear music it relaxes me :). Hope u like my page .


    October 2011

