This action in this picture is that both the kids are fighting to get the ball. The picture uses Rule of Thirds and good lighting from the side. Also, this is a medium shot photo because you have their whole body but not a lot of background. The characters in this picture have competitive emotions. What story does it tell? Photo Credit : Yesenia Pineda
The action of this photo is that the girl is running with the ball so she can score.This photo has front lighting because all the source of lighting is hitting the front of her body. The girls emotions are glad and courageous because shes going for the goal. Photo Credit : Yesenia pineda
The action in this picture is that the students are running for the ball. Also this is a medium shot picture because you can see their whole body, but not much background. It has good front lighting. The emotion for the kid in black is a little disappointed because he doesn't have the ball, and the other boy is happy and glad he has it. Photo Credit : Yesenia Pineda
My ball
This picture shows the action of both players going after the ball and the kid in blue watching to see who will get the ball. The characters have competitive emotions and shocking expressions.The photo has a good source of side lighting. This picture shows rule of thirds and has a distracting background because of the people in the back right. Also, This shows balance because of the boy in gray standing then the other boy running for the ball and the ball in the floor. Photo Credit : Yesenia Pineda
P.e sports
This picture has good front lighting and it is a good close up picture. Also the emotions in the kid is that hes tired. Photo credit : Yesenia Pineda
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    March 2012

